CERTIFICATE IN wholistic breathwork & PSYCHONOMY

A Wholistic Breathwork & Psychonomy Certification Adds Another Tool to Your Skillset

Unlock your potential and discover a deeper understanding of yourself and the world around you with the Certificate in Wholistic Breathwork & Psychonomy. This unique and transformational program integrates the latest findings in psychology, spirituality, and neuroscience to create a wholistic understanding of the human experience.

harbridge ruby johnson college


Certificate in Wholistic Breathwork & Psychonomy

Wholistic Psychonomy can be a good starting platform for someone wanting to offer counselling, or an effective tool to add-on to deliver greater results to an existing business or career.  

ABOUT THE training

How Will This Program Transform Your Life?

The Certificate in Wholistic Breathwork & Psychonomy will help you to develop your emotional intelligence, spiritual awareness, and practical skills to enhance your relationships, career, and overall well-being.

  • Learn from experienced instructors who are experts in their fields
  • Gain a deep understanding of how to apply wholistic principles to your daily life
  • Develop your emotional intelligence and spiritual awareness
  • Enhance your relationships, career, and overall well-being
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Is the Certificate in Wholistic Breathwork & Psychonomy Right for You?

The Certificate is intended for those:

  • Students wanting to pursue their own personal development and improve their communication and life management skills.
  • Students seeking to clarify their personal goals, and increase their own knowledge of themselves.
  • Students and professionals seeking professional development and additional skills in communication, counselling, coaching and Wholistic facilitation, which can be used, with current professional skills, within the health industry and other industries across the board. This is due to the fact that in this course you are learning life skills which can be adapted into any life situation.
  • Students seeking to set up their own practice and/or commence a career within the health or alternative health industries or helping professions.


Course Content

The Certificate includes 3 modules. Students are eligible for a Certificate in Wholistic Breathwork & Psychonomy on successful completion of the assignments to the specified standard.

Module 1: Empowerment:

Building Foundations for Your Life

The Empowerment module develops and explores foundational knowledge to enable you to understand and implement the foundations of an effective and fulfilling life. This module outlines the framework for Wholistic Psychonomy.

Learning Outcomes

  • Beliefs and how to transform disempowering ones
  • Brain Chemistry and how to master it
  • How to master your mind, thoughts and actions
  • Make being Proactive an integral part of your life
  • Increase your Emotional Intelligence or EQ
  • Sub-Personalities and how to integrate them so they stop fighting each other
  • Strategies for Health and Vitality
  • Psychological theories and Wholistic Psychonomy
  • Affirmations – the dos and don’ts
  • Meditation – setting up an effective practice
  • Effective Healing Techniques especially Breathwork

Module dates adelaide

Module 2: Living by Design

5 Steps to Designing Your Destiny

This module provides you with tools and methods to design your life in a more empowering manner; in particular, it explores the influence of the birth experience on our lives – a practical and powerful method for explaining behaviours and life patterns. It is also an opportunity to design your own life path.

Learning Outcomes

  • Learn the Principles of Creation by Beginning with the End in Mind
  • Identify and Transform Your Birth Patterns
  • Become Your Own Authority
  • Design Your Life
  • Deal with Conception, in utero and birth traumas
  • Learn about Birth Types and their Effects on our Lives
  • Discover the Importance of Language in our Lives
  • Experience a Rebirthing breath session and other transformational processes.


Module dates

Module 3: Communication & Listening Skills

7 Steps for Becoming a Master Communicator and Unlocking Your Full Potential

This is a powerful module that will improve your communication skills and your ability to listen effectively so that you can counsel and coach others.

Learning Outcomes

  • Build rapport by choice rather than by accident
  • Explore different communication styles
  • Learn how to listen effectively and efficiently
  • Seek first to understand and then be understood
  • Improve your observation skills
  • Discover how to elicit information in a coaching session
  • Increase the effectiveness of your coaching skills
  • Practise confronting constructively using care-fronting as the foundation
  • Engage in courageous conversations effectively

Module dates adelaide


Expression of Interest

To learn more fill our the expression of interest form below.

wholistic psychonomy courses